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Google Ads AI Image Editor and Google Merchant Center Feed Integration

By integrating the Merchant Center feed with an AI image editor, users can easily pull out product images from the Merchant Center into their Google Ads Account. It will save and store all your product images in the Google Ads Asset Library for future use.

Users can even create new campaign visuals in less time using this robust AI-powered editing tool available in Google Ads.

Just make sure that you have an active Google Ads account and that it is properly linked to the Google Merchant Center account. If not linked, learn how to do it here.

Once the accounts are linked, users can easily import images from the feed into the asset library. Remember the edited images will only be saved to the Asset Library and not returned to the product feed.

Read More: Migrating Country of Sale To New Feed Label

How the Integration Will Be Beneficial?

  • Easier and more effective to achieve business goals by linking the Merchant Center feed with Performance Max campaigns.
  • Using the AI-generated image tool, users can enhance their existing product images that were pulled directly from the feed when running a Performance Max Campaign.
  • Allows businesses or campaign managers to generate high-quality image assets.
  • Be it product feeds or using the Google Product Studio, you can access images from different sources and create new campaign images for ad accounts with the help of an AI image editor.
  • Use images from product feeds that are specially imported into the AI image editor using the media picker.

Read More: New Merchant Center for All Retailers by September

How does it work?

There is a 20-image limit for Performance Max campaigns, which could restrict the number of photos that can be imported via the Google Merchant Center. Other steps include:

Search and Filter

You can use several variables such as Merchant ID and Item ID to search and filter your display if you have a lot of products and images. By default, all accessible feeds are chosen; however, feed labels allow you to choose specific feeds or many feeds at once.

Select images

An image is copied and opened in the AI image editor as soon as it is selected from the Media Picker. To make it easier to access in the future, the original product image is saved to the account’s Asset Library.

Remember, the copy images don’t reflect changes made to the product feed. Verify that the images associated with your campaigns accurately depict your inventory and product.

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SEO Expert and Content Writer