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Migrating Country of Sale To New Feed Label: Google Ads and Google Merchant Center

In Aug 2022, Google released a statement that it will be removing the concept of “primary country of sale” and “additional countries” field names in the Merchant Center Account. The news update further stated that it will remove these settings and replace them with target countries.

Now, recently Google is sending emails to all its advertisers informing if they are currently using the “Country of Sale” setting in the Google Merchant Account, it will be automatically migrated to the feed label functionality.

One of the users – Navah Hopkins even shared an email screenshot on her official LinkedIn account about this change.

Image Source: Navah Hopkins’s LinkedIn profile

The mail clearly states that from the beginning of August 2024, all Shopping and Performance Max campaigns in your Google Ads account which are currently using Country of Sale to match Merchant Center feeds will automatically upgrade to the new Feed label functionality.

Further, the mail specifies there is no need to panic as when the migration will take place, a few things will change. For instance:

  • The change will be automatically applied to each of your active campaigns that still use Country of Sale.
  • The changes will in no manner affect your running campaigns and functionalities.
  • Once the migration is complete, all the new campaigns that you will create in the future will not support Country of Sale.

Updates on Feed Label Functionality

Using feed labels in a Shopping or Performance Max campaign, you can advertise every product with the same feed label. Each campaign may only have one feed label chosen. More customization in campaign targeting is possible using feed labels. To make it easier to target feeds in a single campaign, feeds that use the same language, for instance, could be assigned the same feed label.

Products were formerly chosen for advertisements according to their “country of sale.” You can keep your current campaign structure by using feed labels to categorize your different feeds by nation if you have previously used “country of sale” to choose products for your ad campaigns. In order to maintain the continuity of any pre-existing targeting for campaigns developed before the introduction of feed labels, the feed label will be automatically set to the two-letter country code of the original “primary country of sale” field.

All of the products included in this feed will be copied and will not have a performance history if a feed label is added.

The feeds that can be promoted in this campaign from the chosen Merchant Center account will depend on the feed label you prefer. Within Merchant Center, you may control your feed labels.

Learn how to select a feed label for your campaign in Merchant Center and Google Ads Account.


SEO Expert and Content Writer